
Team Ryver Release Notes

New in this release

A couple of new features have been introduced, again driven by customer feedback/demand. Thank you for helping us improve the product to fit your needs!

Posts Shared to Chat Stream!

We have added a new feature to Posts. Whenever you create a new post, we will now automatically add a chat message to that forum, team or user chat room with a link to the post. This allows users to hang out in forum/team chat rooms and see all new content as it comes in.

Share post to chat

Note: If you are also subscribed to notifications for the team/forum in which the post is made, and you click on the post link in chat, we will automatically mark that notification as “seen”.

Up Arrow to Edit Chat Message

This has been a popular request since we introduced edit of chat messages a week ago. You can now use your keyboard up arrow from the chat message text box to go into edit mode for the last chat message from you in the chat room.

Up arrow to edit

Note that this only works if the new chat message text box is empty. If you have an in-progress message, the up arrow will work as it normally does within the text box.

Updated Ryver Desktop/Mobile Apps

Please check out our updated desktop apps, with improved, customizable UI for multiple account switching. The Windows app now includes Task Tray support.

Our Android App is now in the Google Play Store as well!

Ryver Native Apps
