How do I remove the old Windows Desktop App

Mimi Dolan apps, General

To manually remove the old Windows Desktop App (1.3.2 and below): Uninstall Ryver in the Add/Remove Programs area in the Control Panel Go to: c:\Windows\Users\yourUsername\AppData or c:\Users\yourUsername\AppData Folder: Local – remove the folder “ryver” – remove the folder “SquirrelTemp” Folder : Roaming – remove the folder “Ryver”  

Desktop app update v1.1.7 and v1.1.8

Team Ryver apps, Release Notes

There is a new version of the Ryver desktop app available on the downloads page. We know that manual updates are a pain, and we started working on an auto-update notification feature for our next release. Note: The Desktop App version number can be found under the top Help menu when you click “About”. What’s New V1.1.8 (Hot Fix) Version …

How do I add or remove an organization with my Ryver Desktop App?

Mimi Dolan apps, Getting Started

To Add/Sign into your Ryver App, Select Window | “Sign in to Organization” from the Ryver Menu at the top of the App: In the Dialog that pops up – add your Ryver credentials (Username or Email Address, Password and the Ryver Organization Name) and click “Save”. Example: My Ryver organization is mimtest (site is If you type in an incorrect …

Native Apps and Browser Plugins

Team Ryver apps, Getting Started, Mobile

Once you have created your Ryver account, you can download and use our Mac and Windows apps. We also have a Ryver Chrome Extension for sharing URL links and Gmail messages into Ryver as Posts. UPDATE: Check out our new page!