Update for Saturday, April 21 2018

Team Ryver Release Notes

Smarter Notifications!

We have completed the first of several efforts to improve the Ryver notification system. With this update, the Ryver client will recognize when you are in a Topic view, actively interacting with people. It will automatically mark reply notifications for that topic as read. No more completing a Topic discussion, only to look up and see a bunch of “unread” notifications for the topic replies that you just finished reading.

Note: A new mobile build will be published soon with the same smart notification support.

Other Updates:

  • We have addressed an issue that was causing periodic error messages to pop up due to a database error.

Voice Chat Private Beta

With this update, we are prepared to start rolling out the Ryver Voice Chat private beta. We already have some organizations lined up for initial testing, but let us know if you are interested in joining. Note that a desktop client update will follow shortly with support for voice. Without this desktop update, you would need to do voice chat from your browser.