How do I remove the old Windows Desktop App

Mimi Dolan apps, General

To manually remove the old Windows Desktop App (1.3.2 and below): Uninstall Ryver in the Add/Remove Programs area in the Control Panel Go to: c:\Windows\Users\yourUsername\AppData or c:\Users\yourUsername\AppData Folder: Local – remove the folder “ryver” – remove the folder “SquirrelTemp” Folder : Roaming – remove the folder “Ryver”  

Ryver Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

Mimi Dolan Admin, Getting Started, Uncategorized

Welcome to Ryver! Ryver™ makes managing your team’s collaboration easy, simple, and affordable by organizing it all in one app. This guide is designed to help you get started using Ryver quickly and easily so you’ll be on your way to making your team collaboration more efficient. Use this brief guide to learn how to: Navigate the Ryver App Add …

How do I turn off email notifications?

Mimi Dolan General, Settings

To stop receiving offline email notifications from Ryver, click the “^” icon at the bottom of the Navbar, select “My Settings” from the popup menu and then choose the “Notifications” tab: Click the “Send notifications to me via email (default)” entry and choose “Do not send notifications to me via email” from the popup options. Click  “Done” to Save. Note: …

How do I pin a post to the top of my team or forum?

Mimi Dolan General, Uncategorized

To sticky a particular post to the top of a team or forum, you must have Admin or Team Admin rights. When adding a new post, the option to make a post “sticky” (the post will be the 1st post displayed) is at the bottom of the add post entry window: Click the checkbox and “Save”. The post will be pinned to …