Releases and

Team Ryver Release Notes This is a minor update to address some key issues from the release Addressed issue with Remember Me on login. After the upgrade, we would log you out if you didn’t access Ryver within a 24 hour period. Remember Me now works properly again, and will renew your logged in status as long as you access your Ryver …


Mimi Dolan Release Notes

This is a UI and bug fix update. The UI “feature” updates are all straight from our customer feedback requests. Thank you for helping us make the product better, and please check out to up-vote your favorite product ideas, or add your own! New features: There is now a Reply action on chat messages! Similar to what we’ve had …

Release and

Team Ryver Release Notes

Release This is a minor update to address an incompatibility with IE 11 and some older versions of FireFox and Chrome. Release This is a big update! We did a significant refresh of the UI, and there is more on the way. Chat bubbles are gone, which has been one of the most common requests coming in from …

Release through 794

Team Ryver Release Notes

v1.0.0.794 Minor Update New labels in nav bar based on feedback that it was unclear Teams are private and Forums are open to all members. Also changed “Users” to “Direct Messages” to be more in line with other popular messaging apps. Developers – The new theme for code snippets is “GitHub”. Fixed issue where @mentions and #tags didn’t play well …


Team Ryver Release Notes

This is another customer-driven update, with lots of improvements you have been asking us for. Keep them coming, and thanks! Look and feel You’ll notice some new colors and styling in the application. We have also replaced the Ryver logo in the upper left with your Ryver account name (a popular request). These are just some baby steps on the …


Team Ryver Release Notes

New in this release A couple of new features have been introduced, again driven by customer feedback/demand. Thank you for helping us improve the product to fit your needs! Posts Shared to Chat Stream! We have added a new feature to Posts. Whenever you create a new post, we will now automatically add a chat message to that forum, team …


Team Ryver Release Notes

New in release Edit/Delete Chat Messages! By popular demand, you can now edit and delete chat messages, just like you were already able to do with posts and comments. Use the vertical ellipses button to the right of each chat message to edit or delete your own messages. Admins can also delete other people’s messages. There is also an …


Team Ryver Release Notes

Integrations! Check out the new Integrations menu item under the top help menu in the left nav bar. It links to our new Zapier integrations page, where you can see our growing list of “guided” zaps. Additionally, create your own zaps with 500+ products! Read more about our Zapier integrations here: Integrating Ryver with other Apps Slack Import Tool This feature …


Team Ryver Release Notes

Introducing FORUMS This is a really big update for Ryver! We have introduced a new section in the Nav Bar called FORUMS. Forums are similar to teams, combining chat, posts and file organization. The primary difference with forums is that every member in your account can access all forums all the time. You can still add Guests to forums if …


Team Ryver Release Notes

This is a smaller update with mostly bug fixes and UI tweaks.  Fixed issue with Google Drive links not showing up in Posts and Comments Moved post and chat search up into the toolbar, as it looked too much like a text box for writing your chat message or post Added email format validation to the Invite Guest text box …