
Team Ryver Release Notes

What’s New You can download the latest desktop clients, browser plugin and Android client here (iOS is now on the App Store!): Native Apps and Browser Plugins  Features and Fixes New formatting for Posts, with ability to switch between expanded/collapsed mode. In collapsed mode, we show how many comments are on the post. New link icon button on Posts allows you …


Team Ryver Release Notes

What’s New Please make sure you get the latest desktop clients, browser plugin and iOS client (iOS beta customers) here: Native Apps and Browser Plugins  Reminders Do you ever look through  your notifications and want to come back to a particular item to review later? Or just browsing the Post Stream and want to mark items for review? Now you …


Team Ryver Release Notes

What’s New Please make sure you get the latest desktop clients, browser plugin and iOS client (iOS beta customers) here: Native Apps and Browser Plugins  Look and Feel We removed a lot of wasted space on our Chat and Notification views so that you can more quickly and efficiently scan your messages and alerts. The font size has also been …


Team Ryver Release Notes

This is a big update! Important Note! If you had pending invites prior to the upgrade, those invites will no longer be valid. To re-invite a user, you can use the Resend Invite button on the user’s Profile tab OR you can click the Resend Invite link provided on the TEAMMATES tab for any team you invited them to. More on resending …


Team Ryver Release Notes

Important Note! Please make sure you get the latest desktop clients, browser plugin and iOS client (iOS beta customers) here: Native Apps and Browser Plugins  What’s New Now, when you click on a Notification for a comment, we will highlight that comment on the Post view. Refreshed the navigation bar to make it easier to locate things. Auto-pinning of All …


Team Ryver Release Notes

Important Note! Please make sure you get the latest desktop clients, browser plugin and iOS client (iOS beta customers) here: Native Apps and Browser Plugins  What’s New Based on beta feedback, we changed the name of “Private Members” to “Restricted Members”. Changed the name of the “General” team to “All Hands”. This is the default team that we create, which …


Team Ryver Release Notes

Important Note! Please make sure you get the latest desktop clients, browser plugin and iOS client (iOS beta customers) here: Native Apps and Browser Plugins  What’s New New desktop clients: We have new desktop clients for Mac and Windows, with support for multiple-ryver accounts! And you no longer need to download a new version of the app for each server …


Team Ryver Release Notes

This release fixes a few bugs from the 628 update. The main issue being that if you clicked on a Team from the Teams list, or a Member from the Members list, and your current team or member was on the Files tab, then the newly selected team or member would fail to load properly. New Mac and Windows clients for the …


Team Ryver Release Notes

This is a stability update with a few client-side updates: Handle disconnect/reconnect better. Especially on waking from sleep on a Mac. Fixed problem in iOS Mobile where the Edit Post view would blank out. Desktop Application Downloads: Mac OS X Client Windows Client New! Check out the beta of our Chrome browser plugin! Chrome Browser Plugin With this plugin, you …


Support Release Notes

This is a really big update, folks! Important Note about Notifications This upgrade will clear out your current notification list and start you over, due to a notifications schema change. We apologize for the inconvenience. We’re about finished with Private Beta, after which we will always migrate your data on upgrades. New Apps! If you’re using the Desktop apps, please …